Presentation Guidelines

Poster Presentation

  • Posters boards are available from 8:30am and you are required to have your poster displayed by 9:30am on the day of the Symposium.
  • Poster presenters must be present at their poster during 10:15am-10:45am and preferably during 12:30pm-1:00pm.
  • Poster must remain on display throughout the whole symposium and removed by 6:45pm.
  • A standard poster size is 92cm (width) and 122cm (height). The mountable area of our poster boards are 110cm (width) and 160cm (height). Your poster can be of any size as long as it fits on the poster board. However, it is recommended that your poster is legible from a distance of at least two feet.
  • Our symposium staff will provide you with thumbtacks to mount your poster on the poster board.

    Oral Presentation

  • Each presentation is allotted 15 minutes.
  • Your PowerPoint presentation file is required in advance of the symposium in order to make the necessary arrangements for downloading your file onto the computer in the conference room. Please submit your PowerPoint by email to: on or before 7th October 2016 (Fri).
  • Presenters will not be able to use their own laptop computer during the sessions for their presentation. A computer with the presentations pre-loaded will be available for their use and presenters will be in control of moving the slides back and forth.
  • Only PowerPoint presentations are accepted. Please note that only single projection will be available.
  • If your PowerPoint presentation contains audio, video or unusual files, you must inform the symposium secretariat ( in advance to ensure the necessary technical arrangements can be made.
  • As a precaution, all speakers must also bring a copy of their PowerPoint presentation to the event on a CD or USB memory stick.
  • Your session moderator will be responsible for liaising with all presenters at the same session, keeping time and facilitating questions. The respective session moderator will be announced at a later stage.





    Copyright © 2016 Division of Speech Therapy and Division of Audiology
    Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery, Faculty of Medicine, CUHK